International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop
Der International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (I2PhDW) ist eine internationale Ringveranstaltung. Dieser Workshop spricht Doktoranden_innen und Postdocs der technischen Fachrichtungen
- Automation
- Civil Engineering
- Communications and Signal Processing
- Mechanical and Production Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Maritime Studies and Transport Operations
an und bietet eine Plattform für die Vorstellung und Veröffentlichung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse, für anregende Diskussionen und für das Knüpfen neuer Kontakte.
Im Jahr 2009 wurde dieser Workshop ins Leben gerufen und wird seit 2013 jährlich abgehalten. Nach der COVID19-bedingten Absage in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 wird die Workshop-Reihe 2022 auf jährlicher Basis wieder aufgenommen. Im Jahr 2022 findet der Workshop in Polen statt, und 2023 wird der Workshop an unserer Hochschule organisiert.
The International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (I2PhDW) is dedicated to doctoral students specializing in the technical fields of automation, communications and signal processing as well as mechanical and production engineering and offers a platform to present and publish the results of current research, for fruitful discussions and to make informal contacts. In 2009 the workshop was established and since 2013 it is held annually. After the COVID19-related cancellation in 2020 and 2021, the Workshop series will re-start on an annually basis in 2022. In 2022, the Workshop is held in Poland, and in 2023 the Workshopwill be held at our university.
The overall goal of the Workshop is to gather PhD students and postdocs in order to share knowledge and discuss problems related to their research and scientific interests. The Workshop enables the participants to gain valuable experience that will reflect in their professional research careers. Importantly, the event also provides the opportunity to integrate with the scientific community and develop informal contacts. The session chairs are among the most renowned experts in the fields covered by the Workshop. Attending this event is the only way to meet the specialists and build a network for discussing intricate questions.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Webseite des Workshops ausschließlich in englischer Sprache angeboten wird.
Please note that the workshop website is only available in English.