International Office

The International Office is the overseas port of our University so to speak. It is the point of departure for students, tutors and employees heading out into the world through a wide variety of exchange programmes with our partner universities. Conversely, we are the first port of call for those wishing to come to us as a student, tutor or member of staff from our partner universities.

The atmosphere on the Campus is international in character. Nevertheless, you will not have any difficulty learning German during your time with us. We are not a university for the masses. Everyday life at the University will provide you with ample opportunities for interpersonal interaction on all levels.

Contact persons

Head of International Office


  • Student Exchange Coordination
  • Admission
  • Project Management

Student Support


  • Student Support
  • Coordination Student Exchange: Incoming
  • Studienkolleg

Student Support


  • Student Support
  • Admission

Opening hours

Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 -12:00 and
13:00 - 15:00

9:00 - 12:00

Visiting address

Phillip-Müller-Str. 14
Haus 21
23966 Wismar

Postal Address

Hochschule Wismar
International Office
Haus 21
PF 1210
D-23952 Wismar



Incoming students



Staff exchange