
Stud.IP (manage courses)

The most important platform in everyday student life serves to organise and design courses. It enables and standardises online communication between lecturers and students at our university. For example, events, dates and changes are announced here, as well as scripts, exercises and trial exams. In addition, the platform covers large parts of internal communication – for example via wikis, forums and news as well as through additional offers such as bulletin boards and carpooling.


LSF (Exam registration, Overview of Grades, Study- and matriculation certificates)

You can use the following services via the LSF (Lehre-Studium-Forschung) portal:

  •     Exam registration
  •     Overview of grades / certificate of achievement
  •     Study and matriculation certificates
  •     Editing contact data
  •     Employees: Planning of events and rooms
  •     Employees: Input of examination performances
ILIAS (E-Learning)

ILIAS is used by the university as an e-learning platform. Teachers can store individual learning modules as well as complete lecture contents here. Integrated tools such as self-tests also create added value.


WINGS E-Learning platform

The WINGS E-Learning platform supports distance learning students in many ways during their studies. Current information about your program, the individual curricula, all semester documents, teaching videos, recordings of online seminars, dates, grades and much more information is made available via this platform. Please contact your course coordinator to inform you about the special features of your degree programme.


 HISinOne is a technically and functionally integrated, web-based university management system. It presents the processes and structures of a university in an integrated way and thus supports all parties involved in their activities.

More Information

You would like to place digital teaching and learning offers and are unsure which platform is best suited? Here you will find an overview of the features of Stud.IP and ILIAS. Still undecided? The team of the E-Learning-Center will be happy to advise you.