Offer of support for refugees from Ukraine

Wismar University reaches out to researchers and students from Ukraine

With great concern and sadness also the members of the Wismar University of Applied Sciences observe the events in Ukraine. In order to help immediately, the university management has decided to offer support to researchers and students of all origins who are fleeing the war in Ukraine. In doing so, it has broad support among the student body and professors.

In the disciplines of engineering, economics and design, we are looking for individual solutions to recognize credits already earned and to continue studies or to supplement them meaningfully with modules, thus bridging one or more semesters. Workshops and laboratories are open for project work. If necessary, we also make an effort to ensure that the study achievements obtained here are recognized in Ukraine. For other subjects we try to find suitable colleges and universities in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The language of instruction is mainly German. Offers in English and other languages are limited but will be continuously expanded as needed. Communication and counseling is possible in many other languages, as we are already an international university with students and teachers from many countries around the world. A language center for continuing language education is also available.

Inquiries from students who would like to come to us, as well as offers of support, can be made to

Вісмарський Університет Прикладних Наук простягає руку допомоги студентам і науковцям з України

Студенти і викладачі Вісмарського Університету з великим занепокоєнням і сумом спостерігають за подіями в Україні. Щоб надати невідкладну допомогу студентам та науковцям українських ВУЗів, які були вимушені покинути Україну, керівництвом університету було вирішено запропонувати підтримку, а саме – інтегрування у навчальний процес нашого університету, надання місця проживання і сприяння отриманню фінансової допомоги.

Для кожного студента ми шукатимемо індивідуальні рішення для продовження його навчання або змістовного доповнення модулями з інших спеціальностей. Для виконання проектних та лабораторних робіт студентам і аспірантам будуть надані у розпорядження всі майстерні та лабораторії нашого університету. На даний момент ми розробляємо процедуру визнання академічних досягнень, що будуть здобуті у нашому університеті, ВУЗами в Україні. Для студентів спеціальностей, які не представлені у нашому університеті, ми пропонуватимемо університети-партнери у Федеративній Республіці Німеччина.

Мова навчання в нашій країні переважно німецька. Пропозиції навчання англійською та іншими мовами обмежені, але вони будуть постійно розширюватися у нашому університеті за потребою. Консультації будуть надаватися багатьма іноземними мовами нашими волонтерами. Для інтеграції студентів і аспірантів у навчальний процес надаватиметься можливість проходження курсів німецької мови у мовному центрі.

Запити від студентів і аспірантів, які хотіли б приїхати до нас і отримати нашу підтримку, а також пропозиції щодо підтримки можна надсилати на нашу адресу:

Die Hochschule Wismar reicht Forschenden und Studierenden aus der Ukraine die Hand

Mit großer Sorge und Trauer beobachten auch die Angehörigen der Hochschule Wismar die Geschehnisse in der Ukraine. Um unmittelbar zu helfen hat die Hochschulleitung entschieden, Forschenden und Studierenden gleich welcher Herkunft, die vor dem Krieg aus der Ukraine fliehen, Unterstützung anzubieten. Dabei hat sie einen breiten Rückhalt in der Studierenden- und Professorenschaft.

In den Disziplinen Ingenieurwissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Gestaltung suchen wir individuelle Lösungen, um bereits erbrachte Studienleistungen anzuerkennen und das Studium fortzuführen oder durch Module sinnvoll zu ergänzen und damit ein oder mehrere Semester zu überbrücken. Werkstätten und Labore sind offen für die Durchführung von Projektarbeiten. Wir bemühen uns nötigenfalls auch darum, dass die bei uns erbrachten Studienleistungen in der Ukraine anerkannt werden. Für andere Fächer versuchen wir, an passende Hochschulen und Universitäten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu vermitteln.

Unsere Unterrichtssprache ist zum überwiegenden Teil Deutsch. Angebote in Englisch und weiteren Sprachen sind limitiert aber werden kontinuierlich und nach Bedarf ausgebaut. Kommunikation und Beratung ist in sehr vielen weiteren Sprachen möglich, da wir bereits jetzt eine internationale Hochschule mit Studierenden und Lehrenden aus vielen Ländern der Welt sind. Ein Sprachenzentrum für die sprachliche Weiterbildung steht ebenso zur Verfügung.

Anfragen von Studierenden, die zu uns kommen möchten, ebenso wie Unterstützungsangebote können erfolgen an


for enquiries from refugee students and academics

Letter of invitation from the Rector

learn more »

Our intention is to provide a safe space for students from Ukraine, no matter which nationality they have. If you come here we will do our best to integrate you in the corresponding faculty and degree courses to bridge one or more semesters until you can go back to your home University in Ukraine or to lead you to a degree at our University of Applied Sciences (UAS).

Therefore, different levels of "studying in Wismar" are possible, corresponding to your status of studies, your subject, your requirements and the overall political situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which subject areas are taught at Hochschule Wismar?

We do have Bachelor- and Masters-Programms
in Engineering (civil, mechanical, process, electrical, marine) as well as computer science,
in economics and business law
and design including media design, product design and architecture.

A complete overview of all our degree courses can be found on our website.


Which different levels of "studying in Wismar" are possible?

A single project work for example, supervised in German, English or possibly some other language (as we do have international staff) by some of our Professors, that is needed for your regular curriculum and gives you time to practice the language if necessary;

Participating in introductory, soft skills or cross-sectional modules that broaden your knowledge and possibly can be recognized by your Ukrainian University one day;

Participating in regular modules of your subject of studies, however most of them are in German language;

Acknowledge your already finished modules for one of our degree courses and provide you a degree from our University of Applied Sciences;

Getting started from the beginning in one of our regular degree courses, possibly with a language class beforehand.

This must be sorted out once you are here and have oriented yourself and discussed with the Professors in charge of the relevant degree course. We are willing to get in touch with your current University if needed to find arrangements that fit your requirements.

Which preconditions and documents do you need?

You must be currently enrolled at a Ukrainian University and therefore have some sort of student ID or enrolment certificate and also hold a Ukrainian passport or student visa.

Some paperwork with border police is needed and can be done once you enter Germany or also in Wismar soon after arrival. 

To understand your status of studying it is also helpful to provide as much documents from your recent and earlier education as possible, like achivements and certificates of graduation, the curriculum, faculty and name of the degree course etc.

Which language is needed?

Most of our degree courses are in German language, some are also available in English. We have a language training center and many students who are ready to support you with practicing German. For conversation and consultation there are native speakers of many international languages on the campus, for example also Ukrainian. But to say it clear: over time it is important to learn German.

What does it cost and who pays?

Studying in general is free of charge, except a small fee of less then 100€ per semester for membership in student union, library use and the like. You will have to cater for your daily needs and costs the same way as back in Ukraine. There is, once you are enrolled as visiting student or student, subsidized student accommodation and student canteen available. Rooms start from 230 € per month. More details and some pictures are found here:

There is a limited contingent of free rooms available. They are assigned with the conformation of a specific arrival date. 

Sharing of rental flats with a group of fellow students is also quite popular and might reduce costs a little bit. 

Student jobs at our University or elsewhere in town or companies are available to earn some money. A funding can not be promised straight away, as it relies on different programms and individual application, but in general are opportunities available.

How to get in contact?

If this offer is interesting for you and you fit the requirements regarding having actively studied in Ukraine you can send an E-Mail to

The more information you provide, the better and faster we can support you. Send especially information on what and where have you been studying and in which year. Also proper contact information, e.g. a phone number and full names of everybody asking with you will be helpful. 

If you need help very urgent, let us know, if not and there is some time to sort things out let us know as well. We will reply as fast as possible. 

How to get to Wismar?

Trains are supposed to be free in Germany by Deutsche Bahn and also in Poland, if you provide Ukrainian documents of residency. The ticket is called “helpukraine-Ticket“. You will get it at a railway station. There is a daily train from Berlin straight to Wismar called "ODEG". 

What are the first steps in Wismar?

If we get noticed in advance we will try to arrange somebody to pick you up at the train station and help you with the first steps. 

We also do have some limited offers for free accommodation from staff and students for the first couple of days and weeks until you have sorted things out. 

Many students are also willing to support you with this and also showing you around on campus and in town, helping with paperwork, language practicing and many more.


Getting to know the campus and the study programme in tandem