Nature-Based Living-Lab for Interdisciplinary Practical and Research Semester on Sustainable Development and Environment

Student-designed social building on the campus of the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana (UNAP) near Iquitos (source: Hackel)

The NB-LAB project addresses the need of the partner universities in Peru and Ecuador for more applied research. This subproject covers the Student Design Build project for the location near Iquitos.

As part of the international Erasmus+ project "NB-LAB", a Nature-Based Living-Lab was built in August 2022 in Iquitos, Peru for the UNAP (Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana) campus for an interdisciplinary research and student camp. The construction in Iquitos is a sub-project of the "NB-Lab Project", coordinated by the Robert Schmidt Institute of the University of Wismar. Another component of the project was the research camp at the partner university IKIAM in Ecuador, which took place at the same time.

The seminar on the construction project in Iquitos was divided into three blocks and started in the winter semester 2021/22. Based on an introduction to traditional, local building techniques and a research on goals and needs of the future users, a draft for the laboratory "village" and its construction methods was designed in scale 1:50. In the second step, the results were further developed in joint weekly, digital working groups of students from Wismar University together with the structural engineering students of the UTE (Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, Ecuador) until they were ready for implementation. The third block was dedicated to the the detail planning in scales 1:10 to 1:1, prototyping, the construction management planning and the preparation of the workshop in Iquitos in August 2022. 


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Hackel (design, construction and building management)
  • V. Prof. Daniel Hülseweg (design and construction)
  • Prof. Jan Blieske (architectural lighting design, construction and design)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Stollberg (utilization concept, user coordination)
  • MA. Morten Fuchs (subproject coordinator design build project Robert Schmidt Institute of the University of Wismar)
  • Dipl.-Kff. (FH) Regina Krause (project coordinator Robert Schmidt Institute of the University of Wismar)
  • Prof. Britta Wauer (communication design)
  • M. Eng. Ingo Hopfeldt (civil engineering)
  • M.Eng. Kay-Henning Kruse (civil engineering)
  • Prof. Carlos Ávila PhD (civil engineering, UTE, Equador)
  • Andres Salazar (construction management, UTE Ecuador)
  • Wolfgang Dörk (construction management)

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