Development of a Hyperspectral Camera for Wound Care in Nursing

Source: Mobile Imager/Diaspective Vision GmbH

The aim of the research project of several partners is the development of a hyperspectral wound camera for mobile use in wound care in nursing services and homes (mobile image).

Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging are already used in medical technology and life sciences in the fields of wound diagnostics, visceral surgery, neurosurgery and other fields.

The TIVITA Wound hyperspectral camera from Diaspective Vision GmbH is intended for use in the treatment of chronic wounds (diagnostics and documentation) and is installed on an equipment trolley together with a computer. For doctors, it offers a useful diagnostic supplement; however, in everyday life, the majority of chronic wounds are treated by mobile care services, wound centers, nursing homes and general practitioners' practices.

In this project, a compact and more cost-effective wound camera is to be developed by miniaturising the existing system and adapting it towards mobile use.

For this purpose, algorithms for determining tissue parameters and detecting necrotic tissue are being developed at the Wismar University of Applied Sciences. To evaluate the algorithms, simulation calculations are carried out, tissue phantoms are developed and measurements are carried out on them. The calculated tissue parameters are superimposed on an RGB image for user-friendly presentation. Furthermore, a test system for the mobile camera system will be developed.

Consortium leader: Dr. Axel Kulcke, Diaspective Vision GmbH

Project manager Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Claudia Niehaves M. Sc

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