Affordable Living for our Region

Visualisation first place of the competition for Dassow (source: Lorena Krohn, Maik Riebort; Wismar University of Applied Sciences)

Conceptual solutions for centres in West Mecklenburg in terms of urban development and property planning that enable cost-effective construction and serve as a blueprint for other municipalities.

While affordable housing has long been scarce in large cities and urban centres, the problem has now also reached small towns in rural areas. This is because high rents, a longing for nature and the freedom to choose where to live thanks to working from home are causing an increasing urban exodus.

Discussions with relevant stakeholders in all the basic centres in West Mecklenburg have revealed that more than a third of the basic centres have a deficit in affordable housing and that there is a need for action here. These are primarily the basic centres that are attractive as commercial or tourist locations and have a large number of jobs.

As part of the project, the regional planning association will carry out a local analysis of the 6 basic centres together with Wismar University of Applied Sciences. Based on this, student competitions will be organised. In terms of content, both urban development and property planning designs on the subject of "affordable housing" are to be developed for specific building areas in up to three basic centres. The aim is to achieve a realisable, market-oriented mix of rental, residential property and, where appropriate, commercial/public uses, adapted to each location.

The results of the competition will be used by Wismar University of Applied Sciences to create a catalogue of types that can serve as a blueprint for other basic centres, project developers and property developers.

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