
Wismarer DIAlog with Prof. Simon Takasaki-Lauw

Icon, Wismarer DIAlog
Studie, Foto: Busch & Takasaki Architekten BDA, Berlin
Study, Photo: Busch & Takasaki Architekten BDA, Berlin
Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

All interested parties are cordially invited. Admission is free.
Wismar DIAlog = The lecture series on Wednesday evenings of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design starting at 6:00 pm.

Advanced training event of the Chamber of Architects M-V
This lecture can be recognized as a continuing education event of the Chamber of Architects M-V, in german Architektenkammer M-V. Certificates of attendance will be available at the end of the event.

The Wismar DIAlog was organized by Prof. Bettina Menzel.

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  • Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

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