200-euro one-off payment

Tips and hints for our students

The Federal Government is providing financial assistance to people in education in the form of a one-off energy price allowance (Energiepreispauschale). It will be possible to apply for this one-off payment online.

eligible to apply

are students

  • who were enrolled at our UAS on 1 December 2022
  • and have their usual place of residence in Germany


  1. Students who are exmatriculated at the present time and were enrolled on 1 December 2022 are also eligible.
  2. There is no entitlement for students who are enrolled in Studienkolleg (preparatory course).
  3. Students who have already received one-off energy price allowance (Energiepreispauschale) of 300 euros together with their wages in September 2022 as employed persons (for example in a mini-job or as working students) will also receive this one-off energy price allowance. To do so, they must also have been enrolled on 1.12.22 and have had their usual place of residence in Germany.

What needs to be done in advance?

Prepare application

Create a BundID account; identify yourself with an online ID card or your personal Elster certificate.
Tip: detailed instructions at www.einmalzahlung200.de/eppsg-en

Please note: If you are not authorised to apply for an Elster certificate and you do not have an online ID card, you can use a PIN. This PIN is provided to our students at hio.hs-wismar.de. There, access is as usual with the personal access data.

Authorisation code and PIN from our UAP

The authorisation code was automatically sent to the personal university e-mail address on 14 March 2023.

Students who were enrolled on 1 December 2022 but have now been exmatriculated were sent the authorisation code in the same way (personal university e-mail address).

At the same time, a PIN was made available in the HIO portal. Students must log in to the HIO portal (not LSF!) for this.

Application and approval

Apply for the payment

Since 15 March 2023, the BundID account and the authorisation code as well as the PIN from our university can be used to submit the application on the website www.einmalzahlung200.de/eppsg-en. The personal account data must also be entered here.

After selecting the button "Apply for one-time payment", some time may pass. The estimated waiting time is displayed (Attention: only in German)

Note: If the Bund-ID is used for identification, the application must be made with an NFC-enabled smartphone. The ID card app "Ausweis App2" must be on it so that the ID card can be read.

Attention: The application is possible until 30 September 2023.

Wait for decision

If all requirements are met, you will be notified of the approval by e-mail.